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Negative Limitation 相关最近美国判例及主要国家的审查基准 - Inphi Corp. v. Netlist Inc., 805 F.3d 1350 (CAFC 2015)
美国律师 金泽成

I. 绪论


II. 案件的展开及判例


      半导体Storage企业Inph社在与竞争公司Netlist社的专利诉讼中,2010年6月9日向美国专利局请求对专利US7,532,537(‘537专利)的当事人之间的再审(Inter Partes Reexamination)。审查过程中审查员对30项权利要求发出不具有进步性的审查意见,Netlist通过增加否定性限定来修改了独立权利要求,修改的‘537专利的权利要求1如下:

Claim 1 A memory module comprising:

      a plurality of memory devices, each memory device having a corresponding load; and

      a circuit electrically coupled to the plurality of memory devices and configured to be electrically coupled to a memory controller of a computer system, the circuit selectively isolating one or more of the loads of the memory devices from the computer system, the circuit comprising logic which translates between a system memory domain of the computer system and a physical memory domain of the memory module,

      wherein the system memory domain is compatible with a first number of chip selects, and the physical memory domain is compatible with a second number of chip selects equal to twice the first number of chip selects,

      wherein the plurality of memory devices comprises double-data rate (DDR) dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) devices and the chip selects of the first and second number of chip selects are DDR chip selects that are not CAS, RAS, or bank address signals.

      Netlist的‘537专利涉及电脑Memory Module, 通过经JEDEC(Joint Electron Device Engineering Council)标准进行标准化的复数命令和数据信号与电脑系统连接操作。但是,在Memory Module内收发的信号可以由Maker自己决定,因此,在Module内附加Chip Select(CS)信号。CS信号是在与相同总线连接的的复数Chip中只选择特定Chip使其有效的信号,将Memory Controller侧的负荷(Load)以Chip为单位进行分隔,以提高对总线所载的各种信号的Driving能力和Integrity,从而起到降低电力消耗的作用。Netlist为克服审查员指出的驳回理由,进行了附加否定性限定的修改,即附加限定了CS信号为区别于标准信号CAS、RAS、Bank Address Signals的完全不同的信号。结果审查员授予了专利权。

      Inphi主张,通过上面所述Netlist的否定性限定,修改后的权利要求得不到说明书支持,因此违反Written Description Requirement,并向PTAB(Patent Trial and Appeal Board)请求审判,然而PTAB依然支持了审查员的决定。Inphi向PTAB请求再审(rehearing)并指出否定性限定内容是没有得到‘537专利的详细说明支持的New Matter,并以“用以除去该特征的充分的理由应得到说明书支持”的Santarus Inc.v.Par Pham.Inc.判例为依据,在最初说明书中没有揭示CS不是CAS、RAS、Bank Address Signals的充分的理由,因此,主张Netlist的否定性限定修改违反Written Description条件。
      但是,PTAB指出,虽然没有明确叙述说明书排除相关限定的理由,但将CS信号与CAS、RAS及Bank Address信号进行区分并记载到发明内容及附图中是支持权利要求的否定性限定的依据。对PTAB的最终审决,Inphi社向CAFC抗诉。


      Inphi引用Santarus Inc. v. Par Pharm. Inc.判决,主张否定性限定需要进一步提高的说明书记载条件基准。 (“Court’s precedents demanded a heightened written description standard for negative claim limitations requiring that the specification describes a reason to exclude the relevant limitations.”) 即,对于“reason to exclude” 部分,主张需要排除特定因素,从而限定所获得的效果等。

      对于Inphi社的主张,CAFC判决为,只要说明书确切记载发明专利的特征,就没有必要进一步限定通过排除特定构成要素所获得的优点和缺点,并且判断为,说明书确切记载了相关信号之PTAB的事实认定得到充分证据的支持, 通过修改加入的DDR Chip选择并非是CAS,RAS, bank address signals(“DDR chip selects that are not CAS, RAS, bank address signals”)的否定性限定内容是得到说明书支持的。


III. 主要国家审查基准

1. 美国

      但是现行审查基准规定,即使以否定限定内容记载权利要求,若发明专利的保护范围清楚,那就满足清楚条件11 ,而且补充说明了,最初说明书中已有所揭示且支持否定限定内容的话12 ,则包含有否定限定的权利要求也满足明确性(Definiteness Requirement)和得到说明书支持的基准(Written Description Requirement),该最初说明书的记载无需一定要以文章表述,附图或者图表(Table)也可以满足该条件。13 



3. 欧洲及日本





美国特许法 112条 (a), (b)项; 韩国特许法 第42条 第4项, 第6项
积极的肯定性表述(positive limitation)的例 : ‘包含…’, ‘有…’
消极的否定性表述(negative limitation)的例 : ‘除…之外’, ‘没有…’
USPTO, Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP), 2173.05(i)
导入AIA之前有过 Inter Parte (当事人之间) Reexamination 或者 Ex Parte (针对特许厅) Reexamination AIA之后变更为Inter Parte Review和 Ex Parte Reexamination。
) Santarus Inc. v. Par Pharmaceutical Inc., 694 F.3d 1344 at 1351 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (“Negative claim limitation are adequately supported when the specification describes a reason to exclude(作者强调) the relevant limitation. Such written description support need not rise to the level of disclaimer. In fact, it is possible for the patentee to support both the inclusion and exclusion of the same material. The claim limitation that the Phillips formulations contain no sucralfate is adequately supported by statements in the specification expressly listing the disadvantages of using sucralfate.”). (作者注) Sucralfate是遇到胃溃疡等胃肠管问题时,作为胃壁保护剂使用的一种药剂,代表性的商标名有Ulcerimin Solution。
Inphi Corp. v. Netlist Inc., 805 F.3d 1350, at 1355 (“The question that remains is whether properly describing alternative features - without articulating advantages or disadvantages of each feature - can constitute a ‘reason to exclude’ under the standard articulated in Santarus. We hold that it can.”). Id. At. 1357 (“We hold that Santarus did not create a heightened written description standard for negative claim limitations and that properly described, alternative features are sufficient to satisfy the written description standard of §112, paragraph 1 for negative claim limitations.”)
Id. at 1357 (“In this case, however, substantial evidence supports the Board’s finding that the specification properly distinguishes the relevant signal types – CS, CAS, RAS, and bank address signals.”).
MPEP, 2173.05(i) (“If alternative elements are positively recited in the specification, they may be explicitly excluded in the claim.”)
10 MPEP, 2173.05(i) (“If alternative elements are positively recited in the specification, they may be explicitly excluded in the claim.”)
11 MPEP, 2173.05(i) (“If alternative elements are positively recited in the specification, they may be explicitly excluded in the claim.”)
12 MPEP, 2173.05(i) (“If alternative elements are positively recited in the specification, they may be explicitly excluded in the claim.”)
13 MPEP, 2173.05(i) (“If alternative elements are positively recited in the specification, they may be explicitly excluded in the claim.”)
14 特许厅、特许·实用新型审查基准, 2016.2, 2406-2407面.
15 EPO, Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office, Part F (“Negative limitation such as disclaimers may be used only if adding positive features to the claim either would not define more clearly and concisely the subject matter still protectable or would unduly limit the scope of the claim.”)
16 日本专利局, 发明·实用新型审查基准第2部第3章明确性条件、第4部第2章增加新内容的修改

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